Monday, April 25, 2011

The Short Guide to Losing Bad Friends, and Learning How To Stay Calm and be Mature When Dealing With Their Petty BS

Congratulations! You finally dropped/unfriended that one rude/annoying/arrogant/ignorant/selfish/mean/petty/bitchy/etc. person that you once called a "friend" to move on with you're life and to not deal with their (*insert any of the following characteristics above or your own here*) bullshit anymore. Unfortunetley, while you may be feeling better about not having this person as you're friend anymore, that ex-friend may be trying to get back at you or acting like a little bitch/dick. In these times when this occurs, you must think through on how you are going to deal with this annoying little problem until it is resolved or just scurries away like the mouse that they are.

You Must Have Stopped Maturing At The Age Of 4...

It's the day after you parted ways from you're old friend. You feel as if a weight has been lifted off you're shoulders and you can finally do what you want without their cynical judgments or negative ways. But that all slowly starts to melt away right off of you as soon as you begin to talk to mutual friends and you hear of what the ex-friend have been saying about you. 

This is the beginning of another, unnecessary path of Hell that you wanted to avoid. You're mutual friends tell you of the "where is so-and-so? What are they doing? Did you hear? What are they saying about me?" And etc. It can and WILL get annoying and irritating; why do they NEED to know about what your doing? You aren't friends anymore and you don't want them to know ANY of your business.

Step 1: Tell you're mutual friends that you don't want them talking to them about you or anything that you say or tell them. It's private and personal and most important of all, none of their business. 

Step 2: This may sound childish, but if they are ocntinuely asking about you to no end, then try to avoid them and spend a little less time around the mutual friends that you two have in common. 

*Note: You can NOT tell you're mutual friends to pick sides. That will only result in MORE drama and fighting and can cause loss of friends.

Step 3: If the ex-friend is now talking crap about you because of you're shot friendship; whatever you do, do NOT fight back by doing the same thing they are doing to you. It will only make you a just as bad or even worse of a person if you sink to their low level of gossiping and constant complaining.

There's a Fork In The Highway; Take The Higher One or The Lower One...

Now it comes to the ultimate decision on what to do: will you take the high road? Or the low road? Sure, both do have advantages in some way but which one will surely help you come out of all of this on top of the grassy hill of respect and maturity? There isn't much any way of escaping the possible mess and aftermath of any of this, but choose which path you believe is the right one.

It's obviously the high road. If you picked the low road than you'll only have more problems then you had before.