Saturday, April 30, 2011

Busniess Suits and Combat Boots

There are so many labels in today's modern world that nearly everyone has some sort of label; emo, jocks, preps, whores, sluts (they have difference, remember that), scene, hipsters, druggies, punks, etc. However, when it comes to getting a job, most places will give you a look over to see how you dress, and however you are dressed, is how they will interpret your personality. Say if I'm in a band shirt that I cut up and did some DIY TLC on, with a skirt, and combat boots. If I were to walk into, say, Target dressed as such, more often than not you won't be very well talked to. You could be sweet, kind, and friendly towards them and not say a bad word or show the slightest of attitude, but it doesn't matter to them. If you don't look like a jock or prep, or at least, a tuned down version of you're "style" then, you most likely will not be hired if you choose to apply later. Sure, you'll still get the application, they can't deny you that (depending on what state you live in...), although, later on when you turn in the app. they often won't really look at it because they have in their mindset already that you're one of those *insert label here* kids that *insert stereotypical actions of your label here* and that you're *insert more negative, stereotypical actions here*.

Seems like a whole bunch of bullocks, right?
To a lot of teens and young adults, it is. In today's world everyone knows that there isn't that many jobs to be offered in the first place, especially for teens. Young adults may have a upper hand to some, depending if they are in college and in a college based area. However, in a college town with college students as it's main population, it is hard to get a job. But college kids are not as discriminated as teens are. College kids are old enough, and may have enough experience to know how to preform certain tasks that teens, may not know how to. It's unfair, but in reality life is unfair in general. A point that I don't understand in today's society is that, yes, we may be more excepting or people's beliefs, sexuality, and race, but because of the way that they may DRESS can affect someone's chances of getting a job is somewhat hypocritical.

Haven't people heard of the saying: "Don't judge a book by it's cover?" I do that. But it's for REAL books, not the metaphorical meaning of it. When meeting someone, one should not just notice their attire or how their hair is styled or not. First impression are, somewhat everything. But if your dressed as you're preferred style and present yourself very warmly and kind and derived of attitude, it won't matter much to an adult or possible employer. If an adult of any standard does not know much other than the stereotypes of how teens dress nowadays, they will only think that you are a stereotypical person with stereotypical traits, that overall, make you a stereotypical bad person. Whenever a jock, prep, or a non-labeled teen applies for a job, there is a 89% chance that they will be more welcomed and accepted than those who dress emo, punk, goth, etc. 

Something that really "Grinds my gears" is when a higher respected label is hired even though they have no experience and don't know what they are doing half the time. When that person gets fired for their lack or skill, the employer may look back to you, but will remember your stereotype style and move onto the next one who looks like the last person, but is actually more experienced, or at the same level of experience than you. How can people determine another person and their personality only on their outer image? The only way, it seems, a punk, emo, goth, etc. person could get a job is at Hot Topic (becoming overrated), Spencers (if you're 18+), or if your town has one, a small punk, emo, alternative, clothing shop that won't give a 1,2 damn if you have piercings on your lips and bright blue and purple hair.

If people see you as a label stereotype, future employers and unknown adults especially, then it will be harder to get the job you need/want. In the world today so many teens are a type of label, but in the work force, it is only frowned upon because of the negatives the stereotype comes fourth with. You can dress emo and not cut or do drugs or anything of that sort, but before you even shake hands with you're future employer, they will already have the mindset/opinion that you're a whiny person, who is always depressed and shy that cuts themselves. That's never the right way to go about thinking, ever. A sad fact is, though, no one can change how these people perceive teens with alternative/different styles. Sure they are more accepted today then five years ago. But because of the stereotypes that had been instilled those five years stay with the older generation, therefore, making a teens coming-of-age mission of getting a job, much more difficult than it should be. 


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